Raised Beds: Find, Buy, or Build

By Sally Cunningham

Gardening in raised beds has become both popular and commonly recognized at last. While I and other garden writers promoted the concept in the 1990s (Great Garden Companions, Rodale Books, 1998; now Penguin Books), it has taken a couple of decades for the term and practice to become commonplace. […]

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Your Summer Food Garden

By Sally Cunningham

Once the soil is warm—any week now—it will be time to plant the warm-season crops. These are the vegetables that barely survive and often get growth defects when they are planted too soon in the spring. […]

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Fall is for Planting

By Sally Cunningham

For many plants and many gardeners, fall is a wonderful season for planting. While most of us love spring—nothing like that heady feeling of the first warm breezes—that season has its downsides […]

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